Shop Apartment F at the

Marburger Farm Antique Show

October 15 - 19

2248 South State Hwy 237
Round Top, TX 78954

Conveniently located approximately halfway between Austin and Houston

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Discover Never Before Seen Rugs

Featuring our ethically sourced, vintage rugs - hand made in Morocco and Turkey.

Find rugs for every need! Small, medium, large rugs suitable for living rooms, bedrooms and dining areas.

Show Shipping Available

Shop with no worries about how to get it back home or to your business. Shipping from show will be available through UPS and Distinguished Transport. Visit the Marburger Farm website for more details.

Are You a Design Trade Professional?

Learn more about our design program so we can continue working with you beyond Marburger Farm. Once a member, your trade status will be recognized online, at our storefront in Austin, TX, and in our Marrakech studio.